Following a successful application to National Grid ESO (Electricity System Operator), we are pleased to be launching The Oaks Community Fund. This will fund free or low-cost childcare for disadvantaged or low-income families, refugees, looked after/previously looked after children, and other children in need.
We have launched this as a response to the struggles faced by key workers, carers, staff, schools, children, and local and refugee families. As the cost of living crisis hits families, on top of the after-effects of the pandemic, we know that we have some of the tools to support the social development and inclusion of children at this key time in their lives.

Funding will be available from summer 2022 with spaces at our holiday club in Mortimer available from August, and term-time wraparound care available from September across several schools. The Oaks administer the fund at no additional cost and offer a free or discounted fee rate to ensure that the fund supports as many families as possible for as long as possible.
The Oaks Community Fund covers term-time breakfast and after-school care for 4-11-year-olds in our wraparound clubs and holiday clubs. Separately to this fund, fully funded places for 2, 3 and 4-year-olds in Mini Oaks preschool are also available – please contact us for details.